Again the pastry, San Pastry blessed ... What would we do without him? Then do it, of course ... but it is so convenient to go to the section of fresh, frozen or ale, picking up and ready to start your recetita ... for that.
This recetita is easy and versatile as they come. I fill those sobrasada because I love but of course you can fill with tuna paté (latest), you make a paste for such as itching in the chopper, ham and cheese, then go and hang having to bake ..
- INGREDIENTS 1 sheet puff pastry 1 jar
- sobrasada Iberian-boat (or to taste) 1 egg
- paint
- sesame or species with herbs de Provence. DEVELOPMENT
- Thaw pastry sheet if it is not fresh.
- Allow about two inches above and have a straight row of sobrasada. Let down the line two centimeters, or less, and cut. Roll on itself and cut into squares for snacks mode, the style that we buy at the supermarket.
- Repeat until all the pastry sheet.
- Beat the egg and paint the surface of each Saladin. Espolovoreamos not overdo the sesame and bake at 180 º C until you see are golden ..
- Let cool and ready to taste.
can also make sweet and madness reach your most discerning palate ....
regalaroslos sweet promise them ....
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