Again I come back with a prescription from Sergio Fernandez, Chef Cooking Learn to BBC1 in the mornings. And in a single week made several things palatable, easy, and certainly had to be done. And I sent an email to the program's website saying that all great and giving congratulations for their work, but hey .. you must be ringing ears through whom, I have given a boost to my fear of the masses. I have taken some confidence and I, well, fresh yeast and me, inseparable, hehe. The case is that I decided and the outcome, I encourage you strongly to do probeis ... The best donuts I've tried, that if second preference. In my personal ranking, are No. 1 Luisa donuts, recetita that you can enjoy my blog ...
And without further ado, I give you the recetita, that you should go running to the kitchen to organize it ...
INGREDIENTS (For about 15 donuts)
. 50gr.
- sugar 2 heaping tablespoons (and anything else it does not matter) butter
- a little grated orange zest
- fine 15-20gr. fresh yeast bread
- 1 egg yolk (the white book it in the fridge, I will give another recetita to use it)
- 1 / 2 cup milk
- 2oogr. sifted flour 1 pinch salt
- 1 pinch ground nutmeg (I threw it because I'm not friends with this species)
- FOR GLAS - 2 heaping tablespoons melted butter.
- - 3-4, or you need
- icing sugar - a few drops of water. DEVELOPMENT
Undo a little butter in the micro and beat together the sugar with a whisk manuals it perfectly. Do it in a bowl big boy so that you fit the other ingredients.
- Add orange zest and stir well to mix them together.
- Add yolk and beat again to integrate everything.
- In the half glass of water, dissolve the yeast and add it. Beat more energetically for the yeast to dissolve and be finished so everything is integrated.
- Add a pinch of salt. Go
- adding the sifted flour and knead until you go into the bowl and you may have to remove the top, where if you need more flour and knead check well as any body that you have done.
to ball - Leave the ball on a lightly floured bowl for 30 minutes.
- Over time, have gone up and then stretch the dough with a rolling pin and a glass or mold, cut circles and the media, we use a pastry bag and tip to the center, or for example a sacacorazones, or you see that may be worth. We leave the tray in a slightly separated so that the re-weigh, there are coupled together.
- Heat sunflower oil at a temperature not too hot. And when possible, fry the donuts, round and round just to catch a bit of colorcito. We absorb the excess oil on paper kitchen and put them on a baking tray on top of a baking paper and so therefore we are not stain or stick the icing.
- For icing, melted two tablespoons of butter and we'll add powdered sugar and few drops of water to ease, to get a texture like honey.
- With a brush, paint the donuts and we put in the oven, preheated to 200 ยบ C, 20 seconds. As we see that the icing is white, and will ...
are a delight, and well, are easy, but something fun. The amount that comes out is not much, so to start is not bad, because that's all works better and not get lazy .. I guarantee it. The taste resembles Donuts, but as more home, of being at home.
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