Come up with a slightly more healthy. Fish, great ally for dieting, not gaining weight, or simply enjoy the taste. This recipe goes for any type of white fish, and clean, well frozen skinless fillets, steaks or make you a beautiful rooster. With both varieties I have tried it and is very rich. INGREDIENTS
- 1 large onion (if for two fillets of hake, if more than two, two onions, or to taste, but his is to go about onion)
- 1 - 2 cloves garlic 2
- hake fillets fresh or frozen skinless
- 1 / 2 bag of frozen prawns
- a dash of white wine, or something else. No morethan anything goes wrong wine.
- chopped parsley PREPARATION
- Chop onion and place in a large skillet to fry. A half cooked, add chopped GARLIC and sauté all together. As we have not missed much oil, because we are not to the onion paste, we add a dash of white wine. This time, I took a Albariño and scandal.
- Thaw shrimp before.
- We let the alcohol evaporate the wine and sprinkle a little chopped parsley. Now, add the frozen prawns and give them a few laps before dropping the rest.
- add the fish. I start each fillet into two pieces. It is more manageable, although quite often undone.
- We'll move carefully so the fish go by and taking the flavors of onion, garlic and wine. If necessary, we can take a dash more wine, so that we are not being too dry.
- When removing the plate or the serving, sprinkle with parsley and ready to eat
already tell me what you think the dish. To me, love me, because I think a very tasty fish to eat .....
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