HO, HO, HO!! How would a gordinfón called Santa Claus ... eh? Well. and it is nothing and less to arrive these days when the stoves we get excited and we get a mile a minute to think about menus and desserts to impress and that is better than last year. My least I like that each year has something different so that there is an added thrill ....
This year, my to-dos was decorating cookies, but a serious, come on my own. I did the course in Decoracake.com Decotarta Silvia in Madrid, and the truth that had a wild desire to arrive for Christmas. Last year I made more primitive, or looking for cookie recipes, and decor as it was quite a bit, because I did perdidilla chocolate and various ornaments, such as colored stars, chocolate sprinkles, finally .. . certainly get better each year. The first cookie of the partners gave my son home from school, four years old ... Imagine their faces when they saw the Christmas tree shaped cookie, and that it was crude ... out there in the blog entry I have these cookies. Flavor was rich, but I spent acostrumbada cooking to another type of baking, for nothing, but this year I think I've improved the technique of the oven, and the mass, that passed in my heart of hearts ... of truth, and then I present the decoration is a super cool little store that is in Alcala de Henares called BETWEEN herbs and spices that also has a great blog or http://www.entrearomasyespecias.com/ something, and then too .... Http://www.muchomasquegalletas.com/ and from there I copied and humbly thanking him for his wit, these cookies for Santa Claus ... and trees are like almost all more or less ....
The recipe is a basic recipe for butter cookies and cream colors are ... more of the same ...
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