CLEMENTE. Revista Peruana Fantastic Literature, founded with the aim of establishing itself as one area of \u200b\u200bwidespread phenomena fantastic picture missing from the national newspaper archives. Through this journal we seek to fill that void that official criticism, responsible for standardizing all processes, so far seems not to notice.
Thus, it is announced, the general public, the call for contributions for our first issue. Work may be sent in the following manner and with the formalities listed below:
Articles: original research. Free theme within the watershed fantastic. Maximum of 15 pages (including references) in Word format A4, Arial 12 font and double spaced. We recommend using the MLA system for the mentioned sources. Unpublished.
Notes and Reviews: critical review of some fantastic text (book of short stories, novels, study of the issue, anthology, magazine, film) of any age. Most 5 pages in A4 Word format, Arial 12 font and double spaced. Unpublished.
Interviews: and recorded conversation with a writer of fantasy literature. Free style and method. Exceed 10 pages in A4 Word format, Arial 12 font and double spaced. It shall include the date, time and place of the interview. Unpublished.
Tales: Stories fantastic. Maximum length of 8 pages in A4 Word format, Arial 12 font and double spaced. Unpublished.
Note that will be addressed in equal measure, for any of our sections, the approaches to the various variants adjacent to the fantastic, such as horror, science fiction, Gothic, strange, the absurd, wonderful, etc.
jobs, with a brief biographical note will be sent to the e revistaclemente@gmail.com , under the topic of "call."
Each participant may submit more than one job, as long as you do different attachments.
The results are published in the magazine's blog: http://revistaclemente.blogspot.com/
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