TABLE 1 11:20 to 12:30
States of the fantastic in Latin America
Batalha Maria Cristina (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
fantastic literature and its place in the Brazilian literary series
Second Castro García (Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo)
Being and not being in "The Adventure of the man who was born" of Clemente Palma
Honors Elton (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
Terror and senses. An analysis of "The pingullo macabre" (1958) by Guillermo Thorndike
Moderator: Cesar Espinoza
Presentation: 12:30 to 13:00
Proceedings of International Symposium:
The fantastic in literature and art in Latin America
(Gonzalo Portals and Honors Elton, eds.)
BREAK 15:00 to 4:10 p.m. TABLE 2
Realities fantastic: how wonderful the terror
Aliza Viacava Yanes (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
"Son of Illapa" between magical realism and fantasy
Juan Carlos Gaspar Wow (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal)
fantastic elements (the ghost and twice) in "The other monitor" Joseph Guiche and "Katia or more than a love story" Oscar Colchado. An approach to two catastrophic historical events.
Luis Eduardo Lino Salvador (Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya / Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola)
Manifestations of the fantastic in "Beyond life and death" of César Vallejo
Daniel Rojas Pacheco (University Tarapaca, Chile)
deconstructive vision of reality and terror "Necrospectivas Vol I" by Pablo Espinoza Bardi.
Moderator: Juan Whose
Session 3 16:15 to 17:25
romantic and modernist modes of fantasy
Nehemiah Vega Mendieta (Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina)
The fantastic and wonderful four stories of Valdelomar
Atoche Intiso Germain (Universidad Ricardo Palma)
The problem of immortality
Henry Vega Pacheco (Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle / Seat of Wisdom Catholic University)
fantastic worlds in "The hippocampus golden "Abraham Valdelomar
Fatima R. Nogueira (University of Memphis, USA. UU.)
modern otherness and disclosures of the fantastic in the short story of Darius
Moderator: Eduardo Lino
Book Presentation: 17:30 to 18:10
The fantastic worlds in Peruvian narrative
Author: Elton Honors
Comments: Güicho José, José Donayre and Ricardo Burgos
18:15-19 TABLE 4 : 25
Perspectives on terror from literature, film and comic fantasy
Mihaela Radulescu (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru)
vampire film: a psychological approach
Rabi Raschid (Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya)
Lovecraft against Plato. Anti-Platonic elements in the comic adaptation by Buscaglia Breccia and the stories "The Ceremony" and "The City without a name" HP Lovecraft
Cantor Rosita Catalina Isaza (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia)
Update of the Gothic A lesson in the abyss of Ricardo Cano Gaviria: cosmopolitan dialogue with the old continent
Claudio Cordero (Critical film)
Horror films in Latin America
Moderator: Gonzalo Portals
film Exhibition: 19:30 to 20:35
Closure (2009)
Dir. Fernando Montenegro
Saturday October 23, 2010
TABLE 5 9:50 to 10:50
margins of the fantastic Christian
(National University Mayor de San Marcos)
Codes fantastic in leading Latin American narrative: the case of Julio Garmendia, Juan Emar and Cesar Vallejo
Cabezas Jorge Ramos (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
A marginal marginal fantasy narrative in Peru. First approach to the work of Carlos Mino Jolay
Jannet Torres Espinoza (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
"Pale, but she is!" Clorinda Matto and the fantastic story in late S. XIX
Moderator: Juan Carlos Gaspar
TABLE 6 10:55 to 11:55
Looking ahead: science fiction and futuristic projections
Luis Bolaños (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru)
CF and twenty-first century paradigm
Daniel Except (Science Fiction Peru)
Three visions of the future of Peru: Lima a hundred years ; Tomorrow, rats and 1985 Teletype
Álvaro Mejía (Filmmaker)
Pedro Paulet, the romantic visionary
Chair: Aliza Yanes
12:00 to 13:00 Keynote
Rodolfo Rorato Londero (Universidade Federal Santa Maria, Brazil)
Brief overview of contemporary trends in science Brazilian fiction
table contemporary Peruvian narrators: 15:00 to 16:10
raw Operas: The sense of the fantastic
Participants: Monica Belevan , Edwin Chavez, Carlos Saldivar and Hans Rothgiesser
Moderator: Elton Honors
TABLE 7 16:20 to 17:20
Exhumation of the Generation of 50: José Durand Flórez
Zubiate Gonzalo Portals (Scientific University South)
between divination and memory: From the Journey José Durand Flórez fantastic
Carlos Meneses (Writer)
Peter Durand, a character in the novel that he wrote
Ana Maria Gazzolo (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) Announce
fantastic. The role of the narrator in Desvariante
Moderator: Gonzalo Cornejo
video display: 17:20 to 17:40
Tribute to José Durand and Manuel Mejia Valera
Dir Ronald Garcia
TABLE 8 17:45 to 19:55 Reflections on the
Javier Suárez Teófilo Trejo (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
Who is watching? The disappearance of collective scenarios and distortion of the gaze towards objects as a critique of modernity in the stories of Guy de Maupassant and Julio Cortázar
César Silva Santisteban (University of Texas, USA)
The reinvention of reality
Carlos Herrera (writer and diplomat)
The distorted mirror. The monster as a symbol and agent of culture
Fernando Pérez Burgos (University of Memphis, USA. UU.)
great thing in la cuentista of Levrero: transfers, and transformations of deslímites imaginación.
moderates: Elton Awards
Magistral Conference 19:00 to 20:00
Nancy Poulson (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
Rompiendo traditions: the fantastic narrative of Clemente Palma
Clausura. 20:00 to 20:15
toast of honor
Parallel activities: Exhibition and sale of magazines and books of literature Peruvian national authors and 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. extranjeros
Participate : Ink Is , Journal of literature Insula Barataria, Journal of literature and culture; Godard, cinema Magazine; Garlic & Sapphires, Journal of literature citations House Magazine of Literature, Argonauts , Journal of fantasy, mystery and science fiction.
Institutions represented Peru:
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University
Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz
Universidad Catolica Sapientiae
Ricardo Palma University La Molina National Agrarian University Scientific
University of South
Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle
Colombia: Universidad Sergio
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana grove
State University of Rio de January,
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Florida Atlantic University University of Texas University of Memphis
Chile Universidad de Tarapacá
Organizing Committee: Elton
Vásquez Gonzalo Cornejo Soto Gonzalo
Portals Zubiate
Academic Advisor: Marcel Velázquez Castro