feline castration in both females and males not only prevents pregnancy but also prevents diseases! besides improving the quality of life of the cat in several respects. Feline Castration can be surgically or by administration of contraceptives, the most common and is recommended surgery for which there are two methods : obstruction of the passage along which the gametes or the removal of ovaries or testes.
Now ... Also what to avoid disease and pregnancy is advantageous for the cat's life? good for cats feline reproduction is very distressing because they have to protect their territory, which inevitably leads to fights between them. Male cats have a problem is that they have to have several cats in their control and that with not enough to satisfy then only have one concern and testosterone rise, becoming more aggressive and be more aware of their territory than they lead to more fights. To be castrated lose his desire of making played more relaxed and less concern for that reason tend to spend more time at home and usually have a longer life.
Downsides? : S
usually become obese or gain weight a little, is usually connected by excessive power in relation to the body's needs. There are effects on metabolism to eliminate the production of estrogen or testosterone these metabolic changes occur that a castrated animal does not need as many calories as a whole. Just keep in mind when preparing your diet, or change the food balanced low-calorie one. Their activity decreases and metabolism as well, but not necessarily be obese. Personally the most beautiful cats are chubby * 0 * X but do not get carried away with it because we also have to think about your healthy u_ uX
Well thats all for now, you are who decide whether castrated or not. I only request to provide reliable information ^ ^ X
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