1 .- Neither adolescents nor cats look at you when you call by name.
2 .- No matter what you do for them, for them is not enough. All human efforts are inadequate to compensate for the privilege of having you as kings.
3 .- Rarely see a cat leave the house with an adult, no teenager in their right mind wants to be seen in public with their parents. 4 .-
Although great jokes and tell your cat nor your teen will outline even a smile.
5 .- Neither the cats nor the teenagers share your musical tastes.
6 .- Cats and teenagers can spend hours on the couch without moving, barely breathing.
7 .- Cats have 9 lives, adolescents behave as if they had them.
8 .- Cats and teenagers yawn ... just like a sense of complete and utter boredom.
9 .- cats often return and smelly dead animal as a gift for you, teenagers are not behaviors better than that.
10 .- Although the fridge is full of nutritional stuff, nothing that is there seems good to eat or teenagers or cats.
11 .- Teens and cats play with dangerous things and fragile until the wreck.
12 .- When you've seen destroy them both look at you as if to say "I was not"
13 .- They fall in love easily, but they are short-lived romances.
14 .- Never carry a novi @ home, I like to see them outside.
15 .- Both cats and teenagers can sleep almost a full day when they wake up is to go to bathroom or to eat what you give.
conclusion ... if you have your best young directors are not other parents, but veterinarians. It is also a good idea to have books on cats at hand.
The secret to getting along with them is to speak softly, do not shake and put food at your fingertips. When they account that you have made efforts to live with them again for affection and touch and feel that you really love them and love them.
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