Monday, December 28, 2009

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Test what kind of cat are you? Food

Searching the web I found this cat test "what kind of cat are you?" and found it funny so I will give the link of the page to do so ^ - ^ X and so take the opportunity to open two more sections to the blog: P

Discover your inner self by taking the test "What kind of cat are you? " - 10 simple questions lead you to your true self ...


Well to me came out this ...

Playful Abyssinian


The best playmate of the story, you're curious, dedicated and intelligent. Often is even willing to cross borders in the name of curiosity. I really love him "a little" spice to your life no matter why. The link with all kinds of people is not at all a problem for you. You are always preferred and it is therefore difficult for you to deal with stress and depression from time to time. However, Master of Adventure is what they call.

you interested in: activity relationships, enthusiasm

Its appeal: Chasing fun is what you live.

Cute eh? you try XD

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not to eat a cat stray cat

Something very important as feeding our cat is very important not only what is good but what does not suit you in your diet. We must be very aware of the foods you eat. The foods listed below should not be eaten by cats

  • human Eating: A cat has to be wind powered and leftover food does not fill it and only add calories or things not are necessary. Also to be spoiled if you feed mientars you also do.
  • dogs: A gat0o is a cat, not a dog so its power is not the same as the canine. Cats require more protenias the dog, such as vitamin A and that dogs are able to metabolize beta-carotene as a source of Vitamin A and cats can not. So if a cat eats dog food diet would be insufficient. Series
the cat food to eat and the most important ingredients that can cause problems to the cat:

  • Chocolate, Coffee and Tea: These products have a substance called theobromine which acts on the body animal: Increasing the contractility of the heart, acting as a powerful diuretic, causing dehydration, affecting the gastrointestinal system, causing vomiting and diarrhea and can cause ulcers in the gastric mucosa ..
    also affects the nervous system, causing convulsions and sometimes death.

  • Onion: Onions contain a compound that is toxic to red blood cells (erythrocytes) of cats, produces a destruction of them and causes anemia.

  • Garlic Garlic contains a compound similar to that of onions causes anemia, but the garlic compound is much less toxic.

  • fish with bones, chicken bones, etc.

  • cured salami (if you can make stews, ham, turkey, etc.).

  • Vitamins for human use that have a high concentration of iron.

  • A diet rich in liver.

  • Alcohol.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

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On this occasion I will a publication about the homeless cats, cats on the street. Is important to know this because many of the people who now have or will a cat many of these were picked up on the street and not adopted or given away by someone.

Feral cats were born in the street are lost their homes or have been abandoned.


These cats tend to be constantly in danger by either dogs or people who assault, being hit by a car, fight each other over scarce food in trash cans or small animal a captured or helpless. In summary could say that the cat is posivilidades reduce their life because they are more exposed to dangers in the streets, hunger, thirst and many diseases.


Moreover, the stray cat has an important role in the balance of nature as innate hunter of rodents deal aya not an overpopulation of them.

domestic cat to stray

The domestic cat will inevitably the street often without the consent of their master, their outputs begin around 6 to 8 months of life that is as it enters the puberty . Despite that the cat has completely cover their food needs at home this does not preclude Caze and that satiety does not take away the predator instinct. The cat as time goes on more territory travel which considered itself to satisfy their instincts to hunting and sex. A domestic cat tends to live longer and lead a healthier life, the average life of a stray cat is 8 to 10 years while the household cat is 15 to 20 years.

From a domestic feral cat

Whether you have a stray cat at home either because they entered without permission or because you are giving a home whether or not temporarily often very different from having a cat which has always been home. The stray cat who was tending to fear people, is very insecure and aggressive but provably he approached if you feed it, as are accustomed to starve or fight for food is still normal if it is you who feeds him once he began to grumble because I think that will take your food. If aims to have a stray cat and excerpts, to pet it is advisable to go slowly, give food and Stay there with even growls but does not make any thus moving the cat soon mean that he was not off his food given, not pet him or hold demaciado as this can flee do so when finished eating and so not have to chase alone for awhile, then pat release it show him that not will hurt and you will only closer to feed and touch him and not hurt him, the cat soon assimilated this and after a while you will begin to approach him to feed him or touch.

In my personal opinion, I've already been so stray cats home as usual I have noticed that the street after a while learning to love even more than the cat that always with me estubo home and I say this because I still very much where you go in the house, they like to sleep with me or just generally loving halved. I ask you to please those who purport to have cats and have the opportunity to choose a small street or a home given away or taken to choose the street though not as cute and furry as the home, as the home or stay where he is or could get someone to give it instead the street has very few posivilidades to have a home. Believe me have a stray cat at home and excerpts, is home to a wonderful experience! good and with this I leave cuidense ^ - ^ X

Friday, December 25, 2009

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The blog is VIP

I just realized I have another prize! This super lindooo * 0 * X and all thanks to Kanon many thanks!

This award is blod Your VIP "is the grant the following blogs:

That award is not lovable? * 0 * X Time

Do You Bake With Vinegar?

Your First prize "Blog Golden Cats in your dreams

without updating this blog D: I'm sorry but I've been a little busy at the uni, I hope to publish hacerca soon issue a new cat because this time is particularly to post a prize to be awarded to the blog, the first prize to be specified ^ - ^ X


1.Poner the award at the blog: ready: 3

2.Enlazar the blogger that you grant it: Yaoi Nyappy THANKS! * 0 * X

3.Elegir 10 blogs to reward:

Enjoy the award ^ - ^ X

Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Ever dreamed cats? : S I yeahhhh! XD (and you wonder who you said the reader ...-.- X) as well as attracted me est and particular subject long time so I decided f inally to talk about it.

cats as we pick up vibrations that we humans do not feel, are very sensitive beings and it is said that cats dream has to do with our own intuition. So dream that cats may be something going on around us n realizing you're us.

Here are some things that speak hacerca dream of cats:

1) Dreaming of a white cat means that someone who consider friend is a very false and you are somehow betraying or giving bad advice to hurt you.
2) dream of a black cat means betrayal, infidelity and love problems, if cats are various means that more people will be involved in the conflict. The black cat is always considered as a symbol of women (or feminine), both in the good sa c the bad, but always in a sensual and instinctive aspect, making it a dream often the case of fetishism, in which the fear of being scratched reveals the fear that their perversion becomes known.
3) dream of cats meowing cat is interpreted as gossip, rumors or people who are talking about an issue that may harm the dreamer .
4) sleep
If the cat attacks a person or hurt in any way mean damages that may be economic, social, occupational or sensory
TimeNTales .
dream that a cat chasing us promises that are to appear
ugly dream about cats, hungry, dirty, dark or unpleasant spells trouble at the family or illness.

That's it, but remember my personal advice XD ... if you dream of cats and they indicate that something bad is going to happen or not get carried away by this that attracts the mind things are good or bad so please call to think positive! : D

Here I give you another picture of my Keiko : 3

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Uf ... long without updating the blog one month almost sorry for that -.- X is I've been busy RESTATEMENT my other blog of anime among other things, the life you know ... Bue not as they had said in the post of "Pregnancy fours" I said then was ap ublish about of baby care and everything you need, good start: )
my cats are not cute? XD


In the first months of life the kids did not need you feed this will take care Mom's cat, providing breast milk as we all know is very important for the development the minimum . Breeding provably stop breastfeeding when the cat to stop producing milk, but when you have about 2 to 3 months can begin to put to him in a little bowl of water, east to see that the mother takes the imitate and do not have to wait to give fluids until it stops feeding the cat, the kitty can do amb as things. And from 3 to 4 months begins to leave his reached gatarina good as same thing happen with water, do not have to force anything on gradually learn to eat . Do not give other food at a good time then I will another post where profundizare that more can you feed a cat and not, you should also be a good place and fixed in where you place the food. The first year of life is crucial least in its power so if time does not eat much or have a problem to do takes alo a veterinarian will not be that this patient (Some cats are born with diseases or problems.)

After a few months of life have to bathe him if needed and if you intend to do then to get used to the small kitten. For more information on how to bathe a cat and sees everything about this entry from my blog here


1) The kittens are very playful so be careful with the ingestion of foreign bodies especially with linear as threads, needles, wool etc.
2) In any case treat yourself to a small or large kitty, cats are very sensitive to many drugs including those that seem harmless like aspirin.
Go to a trusted veterinarian who say they will vaccines applied to them. This is important because infectious diseases are fatal cats.
4) should deworm the cat is usually time to time every 3 months but you should consult a veterinarian.
) And finally but not least, if you notice any strange jams especially if the cat shows abrasions, waxing, skin rashes, constant sneezing, conjunctivitis, runny nose, malaise, anorexia etc. should take him to a vet who can see what the specific problem and give some solution.

Friday, October 16, 2009

How To Wear Grey Stockings

Care Cat in the Chinese horoscope and adolescents

The cat was found in the Chinese horoscope in the following birth dates:

-2 February 1927 January 22, 1928 to February 1939 -19
a February 7, 1940
-6 February 1951 a 26 January 1952 -25 January 1963
a 12 February 1964 -11 February 1975
January 30, 1976 -29 January 1987 to February 16, 1988

Personality: speak with eloquence like talking and have the words to convince others easily, without going against their idea of \u200b\u200bnot wanting to hurt the feelings of others. It is almost impossible to lose control of themselves and are ambitious and very cautious. Their lives tend to be domestic, leisure and refined. They tend to worry or get involved in other issues, have a tendency to solidarity and are good advisers. Are enduring unspeakable before upset, because his nature is peaceful. His goal is to live quietly, without ups and downs of any kind.

Defects: When it comes to they themselves think much and have trouble making a decision. Something that does not happen to women when they get stubborn cat, clearly know how to turn this apparent weakness into a weapon of seduction.

Work: They are a big business men, come to light concerns about the problems of others. Journalists, doctors, psychologists, social and in fact any job that requires more solidarity than making decisions.

Love: Very considerate and retailers, remember birthdays, pamper their partners, but tend to idealize too, which come after the disappointments and possible breakage, so they should think long marriage.

Compatibility: good with goats and dogs. Mala Rata and Tigre.

In Asia the cat is confused with the rabbit and the hare, according to countries. Because these three animals are considered the representation of the supernatural, spell and witchcraft.

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Cats Cats and poetry

have you ever wondered what similarities between cats and adolescents? : S not provably XD so here I leave a few rather silly and adolescent self as well as certain also. Of course the photo is me with my daughter Keiko : P

1 .- Neither adolescents nor cats look at you when you call by name.

2 .- No matter what you do for them, for them is not enough. All human efforts are inadequate to compensate for the privilege of having you as kings.

3 .- Rarely see a cat leave the house with an adult, no teenager in their right mind wants to be seen in public with their parents. 4 .-

Although great jokes and tell your cat nor your teen will outline even a smile.

5 .- Neither the cats nor the teenagers share your musical tastes.

6 .- Cats and teenagers can spend hours on the couch without moving, barely breathing.

7 .- Cats have 9 lives, adolescents behave as if they had them.

8 .- Cats and teenagers yawn ... just like a sense of complete and utter boredom.

9 .- cats often return and smelly dead animal as a gift for you, teenagers are not behaviors better than that.

10 .- Although the fridge is full of nutritional stuff, nothing that is there seems good to eat or teenagers or cats.

11 .- Teens and cats play with dangerous things and fragile until the wreck.

12 .- When you've seen destroy them both look at you as if to say "I was not"

13 .- They fall in love easily, but they are short-lived romances.

14 .- Never carry a novi @ home, I like to see them outside.

15 .- Both cats and teenagers can sleep almost a full day when they wake up is to go to bathroom or to eat what you give.

conclusion ... if you have your best young directors are not other parents, but veterinarians. It is also a good idea to have books on cats at hand.

The secret to getting along with them is to speak softly, do not shake and put food at your fingertips. When they account that you have made efforts to live with them again for affection and touch and feel that you really love them and love them.

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A little ode dedicated to the cat written by my writer Pablo Neruda favortito * 0 * X

Oda cat

The animals were imperfect ,
long tail, head
sad. Gradually
becoming a landscape,
acquiring spots, grace, flight.
The cat, only the cat

appeared complete and proud:
born completely finished,
walking alone and knowing what you want.

Man wants to be fish or fowl,
the snake would have wings,
the dog is a lost lion,
the engineer wants to be a poet, the fly studies
the poet tries to imitate the fly, but the cat

cat only wants to be and everything
cat is a cat from whiskers to tail,
from a rat living
from night to his golden eyes. There is no unity

like him have no

the moon and the flower has its construction

one thing is like the sun or a topaz, and the elastic line
in outline
strong and subtle like
line on the bow of a ship.
Its yellow eyes leave only

slot to coin the gold of the night.

O little emperor without globe
conqueror without country, tiny tiger
games, bridal

sultan of the sky of erotic tiles,

love the wind in the open

you claim when you spend four

and backside
delicate feet on the ground, smelling

distrust of all land,
because everything is filthy

for the immaculate foot of the cat.

O independent beast house, arrogant
vestige of the night,
lazy, gymnastic and alien
profound cat, secret police


a lost velvet, surely there

enigma to your manner, perhaps you are not
everyone knows you and you belong
least mysterious inhabitant, perhaps everyone
I believe everyone believes
owners of cats
uncles, peers, colleagues

disciples or friends of your cat.

I do not.
I do not subscribe.
I do not know the cat.
All I know, life and its archipelago,
the sea and the incalculable city,
botany, the harem
their losses,
the for and the least of mathematics
volcanic funnels the world, Unreal shell
crocodile ignored
goodness of a firefighter,
the blue atavism of priests,
but I can not decipher a cat.
My reason slipped in their indifference, their eyes have
golden numbers.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yunnan Baiyao And Canker Sore

necessary accessories for cats cats

If you have a cat or think it is advisable to have one of these objects have needed so that the cat is well and happy: D

Whether for lunch as for liquids, it also serves
any container where you place it seeks
food and be very aware that you always have something.

2.- Sandbox
the cat To make your needs, you fill it with sand
half but you can also teach
to do their business on the street.

To pick up cat feces, this should be done daily.

4.-bed little
can buy a small bed of any model as long as you see that is hospitable to the cat or other home made with a basket equipped with a large pad soft blanket. Or if you can not sleep on the furniture or where they are most comfortable with, why not your bed with you? :)

This accessory is if you travel somewhere, or you move and takes the cat.

cats really enjoy these things, can be sharpened nails without damaging the furniture you XD

7 .- Toys
not have to be expensive cats often enjoy very easily, for example with the balls of yarn or a ball.

And finally a good brush to remove dead hairs.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Should A Bill Of Sale Look Like

Pregnancy Castration

Greetings, this time write pregnancy about the cats, this topic if I've lived in many times with my first cat " Mezzhass " who has already had 5 litters in the three years that I have, the last litter was two months ago and are beautiful * o * X it is the photo and that was her last litter. Well now if I came XD

When a cat is zeal, is characterized by the purring of her and also rolls around in the ground again and again with the tail raised. They are usually very Tonec at this stage much like a the pet. When are in jealousy emanating a peculiar odor that attracts males from a distance and if the cat is not neutered are pregnant.

the cat's pregnancy lasts approximately 57 to 63 days, usually giving birth to day 60 after mating. For the week number nine of pregnancy, reduces its activity and begins to search for sites quiet, alone, : welcoming and warm to give birth . It is normal for the cat mew and foot traffic is abdominal pain. It is a wonderful experience believe me, just know and more or less when approaching the day and you start to see not only a great packages on your tummy but also tend to move much.

In about 24 hours of giving birth to the cat began to walk much more and meowing, until at one point will be put in a position similar to that decision when he wants to expel stool. Contractions that makes the uterus expel the first kitten, that can go with or without placenta . This kind of bag is dark and each will have its kitten placenta itself, if not broken one, the mother is responsible for tearing it with his teeth, like the umbilical cord . The birth of the first issue can take 30 to 60 minutes, the time sequence for NASCAR other varies a lot but usually the latter is usually the most tardoso .


1) Seek a cardboard box or large something you assimilated , where the cat and her offspring have a space neither too large nor too small. In the background at the base of the box place it sheets or rags that are no longer used since the time of delivery shed blood. This box place it in a room in a corner of the house is finally quiet and good teach the cat box and put it, it's safe to to get started it turns or so ago always mia XD

2) Another good place where they also gave birth to my cat is in a great drawer! those who are combing long, good as these serve very well as I place it sheets and show it .

3) While your Once the cat and chose a leave it alone insurance should this comfortable.


Cats can have a successful delivery it perfectly soloists, often for wanting to help you do is make things worse, and not actually take part . Now the failure to intervene not mean you can not see. It really is wonderful to see the miracle of life with your pet, enjoy it .


Well what I mean by this is that you have to be slope, and when she gives birth to bring her food and drinks. It is recommended that the first days do not get up just as sure she does not want that and place it between milk and meal times are the same and then remove them to not boat anything in that space.

Well that's it, really made this post very fast as the toast of my own experience I know that now they are trying to convey to you ^ w ^ X later I will talk about young : P

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As some know Spaying or neutering the cat has a number of benefits for the animal and its owner so here I will write certain benefits and why if neutering the cat.

feline castration in both females and males not only prevents pregnancy but also prevents diseases! besides improving the quality of life of the cat in several respects. Feline Castration can be surgically or by administration of contraceptives, the most common and is recommended surgery for which there are two methods : obstruction of the passage along which the gametes or the removal of ovaries or testes.


Now ... Also what to avoid disease and pregnancy is advantageous for the cat's life? good for cats feline reproduction is very distressing because they have to protect their territory, which inevitably leads to fights between them. Male cats have a problem is that they have to have several cats in their control and that with not enough to satisfy then only have one concern and testosterone rise, becoming more aggressive and be more aware of their territory than they lead to more fights. To be castrated lose his desire of making played more relaxed and less concern for that reason tend to spend more time at home and usually have a longer life.

Downsides? : S

usually become obese or gain weight a little, is usually connected by excessive power in relation to the body's needs. There are effects on metabolism to eliminate the production of estrogen or testosterone these metabolic changes occur that a castrated animal does not need as many calories as a whole. Just keep in mind when preparing your diet, or change the food balanced low-calorie one. Their activity decreases and metabolism as well, but not necessarily be obese. Personally the most beautiful cats are chubby * 0 * X but do not get carried away with it because we also have to think about your healthy u_ uX

Well thats all for now, you are who decide whether castrated or not. I only request to provide reliable information ^ ^ X

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Funny ... but I as an affectionate nickname to tell cats or small hair balls hairy balls * 0 * X but after that description is a true meaning u_u PLEASE READ THE CATS HAVING THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Cats are very clean by nature, I there is because they spend several times a day licking his body, as know their language is extremely rough making acted as a brush taking every hair lick dead. Although some hairs are often expelled with the feces or vomit when hairballs become way too large as expected stay in the digestive tract cat. The dogs also often this happen but be scratching often because they have a type of skin complaint, but for cats the situation is more complicated because for a particular cause of disease may be a foreign body the digestive system. And along with food also begins to form in your stomach hairballs.

The situation becomes complicated when the fur balls, pass through the pylorus and head into the small intestine. At this point the cat can still vomiting but not ejected. When he is on this point, the cat begins to feel generally unwell, lose making also appetite and bowel function, bowel obstruction occurring. No doubt it by now must be to the vet, be very serious if treated surgically or if not the worst would be the death of the cat.


If your cat does not want to come to such extreme the are simple precautions one is brushing frequently above the long-haired cats, making this the brush is to take the most of the dead hairs. There are also special foods for cats to help control hairballs before they form. Almost culminating

I add something, if you have not noticed but on occasion cats and even dogs eat the bush or grass. This it to vomit and so clean their stomach, so if you see your cat or dog doing this! Not stop! - (E- EX) -

Until next ^ - ^ X

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Well, this is the first post in this blog public why it has to be as bathing a cat? because besides being important for your hygiene is a bit laborious in some cases everything depends on both the nature of the cat as I usually bathe him since childhood, is very important to start giving the bathroom between the first and second month of life, so that more in the future can enjoy the water with full ... and if so a cat can get to enjoy the baths when the baby does well with young and old.


1) examines whether you really need a bath, if not you can simply brush or wipe with a clean cloth. It is advisable to wait at least every two weeks to return to bathe, only if needed.

2) The location must be calm and if possible only one person bathing him all the time.

3) water should be neither hot nor cold but warm to a temperature of about 30 degrees and ensures that water will not reach higher than the neck like a cat to fit properly in place.

4) Rajun If your cat too much or you think is going to be so cut them nails so they do not go scratching. This is not entirely necessary, much as one is stronger than the cat one must know how to treat it and grab it. Also, if this cat then goes and has a fight with another loser obviously very hurt by not having their claws D:

5) start made Little by little the water with your hand or with a sponge but never dirent jet. From the neck down, will finally head.

6) while applying the bathroom and talk to him calming Pet the pup where you know he likes as much as possible and try not to alter or slip away from the hands but unharmed.

7) Apply a shampoo especially for cats, then fijate well unless you have a bad reaction if so change it to another brand. The way you apply the shampoo will not be sharp, left to act a minute if they hold a little better, then remove with water.

8) Place close a towel or what you are going to dry and quickly when colocasela embolviendolo finished bathing and have it all well in your arms for a few minutes, then starts to shake with a towel around the body. There must be completely dry the cat then charge and began to lick provably, or at least mine do that XD

9) If your short-haired cat is to stay there XD but the thing is long hair you have to use a brush and a hair dryer to finish drying step. The dryer does not get too hot and moved steadily away asercaselo and the cat was not to overheat the hair.

You and your cat can make your bathroom a fun activity if sticking to above, so if you keep in mind that not all cats are equal so pay attention to any unusual reaction, what can please the majority of the cats may not like yours if it is not essential that like you do not do to change it to another method.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

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Create a marina where luxury boats can dock, build fancy restaurants, creates activities for customers and shops. -Style game Sim City

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Friday, July 10, 2009

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Farmer Want to experience what life is like a farmer? Turn on your farm and provides all the area stores the supplies they need
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Monday, July 6, 2009

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Learn to Fly
Help this penguin learn to fly, the poor do not believe that his species is not able to fly and wants to show that we are wrong