Pregnancy Castration
Greetings, this time write
pregnancy about the cats, this topic if I've lived in many times with my first cat "
Mezzhass " who has already had 5
litters in the three years that I have, the last
litter was two months ago and are
beautiful * o * X it is the photo and that was her last litter. Well now if I came
XD When a cat is zeal, is characterized by the purring of her and also rolls around in the ground again and again with the tail raised. They are usually very
Tonec at this stage much like a the pet. When
are in jealousy emanating a peculiar odor that attracts males from a distance and if the cat is not neutered are pregnant.
the cat's pregnancy lasts
approximately 57 to 63 days, usually giving birth to day 60 after mating. For the week number nine of pregnancy, reduces its activity and begins to search for sites quiet, alone,
: welcoming and warm
to give birth . It is normal for the cat mew and foot traffic is abdominal pain. It is a wonderful experience
believe me, just know
and more or less when approaching
the day and you start to see not only a great
packages on your tummy but also tend to move much.
In about 24 hours of giving birth to the cat began to walk much more and meowing, until at one point will be put in a position similar to that decision when he wants to expel stool. Contractions that makes the uterus expel the first
kitten, that can go with or without placenta
. This kind of bag is dark and each will have its
kitten placenta itself, if not broken one, the mother is responsible for tearing it with his teeth, like the umbilical cord
. The birth of the first issue can take 30 to 60 minutes, the time sequence for NASCAR
varies a lot but usually the latter is usually the most
tardoso .
SITES I recommend PERSONALLY FOR LABOR: 1) Seek a cardboard box or large something you assimilated
, where the cat and her offspring
have a space neither too large nor too small. In the background at the base of the box
place it sheets or rags that are no longer used since the time of delivery shed blood. This box
place it in a room in a corner
of the house is finally quiet and good teach the cat box and put it, it's safe to
to get started
it turns or so ago
always mia XD 2) Another good place where they also gave birth to my cat is in a great drawer! those who are combing long, good as these serve very well as I place it
sheets and show it .
3) While your Once the cat and
chose a
leave it alone insurance should this
NOT INTERVENE IN THE DELIVERY Cats can have a successful delivery
it perfectly soloists, often for wanting to help you do is make things worse, and
not actually take part . Now the failure to intervene
not mean you can not see. It really is wonderful to see the miracle of life with your pet, enjoy it
YOUR TURN TO YOU ALSO! Well what I mean by this is that you have to be slope, and when she gives birth to bring her food and drinks. It is recommended that the first days do not get up just as sure she does not want
and place it between milk and meal times are the same and then remove them
to not boat anything in that space.
Well that's it, really made this post very fast
as the toast of my own experience I know that now they are trying to convey to you ^ w ^ X later I will talk about young
: P