When you bring your puppy home first, you have to consider many issues that develop below.
. Make sure the puppy is in good health, and that has at least a couple of wormed, and with his first shot.
. I recommend you go to the vet and do a full review.
. But before you bring it home, prepare the place where you live the first three months,

If the puppy is very small, make sure it is at a comfortable temperature, warm in winter and cool in summer (not cold and not hot).
The place has to stay dry and clean.
To handle the puppy, wash your hands before taking it, especially if you come from the street.
If stool nurse walked in the street, should wash the shoes before going through the house. Having chosen a veterinarian
header, you must get advice from health plans, and meal plans, since this will depend on good growth.
should make dry toilets, or semi wet sponge asearlos. This is to having completed the vaccination plan. (There are financial products that are sold in the shop or veterinarian). Puppy
arm ZEUS son of Kira to 18 days. On the right: son of Kira PIER 50 days.

Zeus son of Kira
60 days
http://www.veterinariazcuenaga. com.ar /
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